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,,Pomáháme lidem odkrývat a rozvíjet jejich potenciál..."

Since 1990 the SPEKTRUM Agency has been focusing on HR development, training and HR consultancy.

Our basic values are quality, creativity and client approach.

We are specialists in providing training programs for soft skills, such as communication, presentation, leadership and business skills, teamwork and cross-cultural communication. Our long-term experience includes other personal development activities, among these:

  • Coaching
  • Individual personal development schemes and consultancy
  • Management consultations and education
  • Workshops
  • Development centre
  • Mentoring
  • Outdoor experience and team-building events

We are ready to help you with hiring and selection of employees - we offer both psycho-diagnostic exams and assessment centre services.

You can consult us for specific HR projects as well. Our services may help you during fusions, expanding to new markets, in-company changes, or to make the internal communication more effective and much more.

All the development activities we offer are tailor-made and we are sensitive to your individual development needs. Your uniqueness is our inspiration.

We cooperate with a wide range of open-minded experts with practical approach. Your needs are addressed by a qualified team incorporating psychologists, andragogy, didactics and management specialists. Our internal team is complemented by many trainers, coaches and consultants from various fields of expertise - psychology, management, PR, lifestyle, visage, team-building etc.

The following companies have used our services:

Skupina ČEZ (ČEZ Group), Česká pošta, s. p. (The Czech Post), Renomia, a. s., MVV Energie CZ a. s. , Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna ČR (The General Health Insurance Authority), Úřad pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže (Czech Office for Protection of Competition), TESCO Stores, a. s., Severočeské doly a. s. and many other satisfied customers.


For further information please contact us at:


Koněvova 141

130 83 Praha 3

telephone:   00420 – 267108433

mobile:        00420 – 602541277        

e-mail:        Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.


Agentura SPEKTRUM se věnuje rozvoji lidských zdrojů, vzdělávání a HR poradenství od r. 1990.

Našimi hodnotami jsou kvalita, kreativita a klientský přístup. Rozvojové programy připravujeme klientům na míru a poskytujeme

jim kvalitní lektorské zázemí. Inspiraci čerpáme v jedinečnosti klienta a jeho aktuálních potřebách.